Write a CV
There are many different ways of writing a CV and to help you out a little we have provided an example below which can help you in your frustration.
But please remember, that there are different CV's for different occasions (nobody likes to receive a standard application that apparently has been used before) and don't forget to highlight what is important for that specific job.
Countries in Western Europe do not allow any "holes" in the CV, meaning that any time lost between jobs and studies are looked on with suspicion and might cause the employer to throw away your CV.
Name: First name followed by your family name
Address: Where your mail is sent, including post code
Date of Birth: When you were born
Nationality: Latvian/Russian/etc
Citizenship: Latvian/Alien/other
Working permit/Visa/expiry date: Foreigners only
Gender: Female/male
Civil status: Married/Divorced/Single/Widow/-er.
Tel.no. residence: +371-..., and when you can be reached
Tel.no. office: +371-67...
Mob.ph.no: +371- 29...
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
URL: http://www.b2blist.lv
Type of job wanted (ref code), including what business or industry, part-time or full-time.
3-5 lines - a short description highlighting your assets and other important details for the specific position applied for and what position/-s you are considering. Part time or full time.
The stated language plus comment on level from top till bottom; mother tongue/native, fluent, working-knowledge, basic level or beginner. Spoken and written.
Courses taken, length and dates.
For example, Mac or PC. Programmes and programme levels. Courses taken, length and dates.
Here can follow either EDUCATION or EMPLOYMENTS.
Which of the above comes first depends on the most recent.
If you have worked for a number of years, then your employment details create interest.
Give details of job titles and dates; if more space is needed add an appendix and refer to it to guide the reader.
Mention at least your 3-4 last jobs over a period of 5-10 years.
Always start with your present occupation and work backwards.
State place, time and type of duty - do the same for nursing or other care professions.
Start with your latest education programme and then work backwards; go from most recent to least recent.
As above - start with your most recent course and work backwards.
The most recent activity and then backwards in time.
Also here begin with the award closest to the present time.
List hobbies, interests and free-time activities. Especially important when applying ot Scandinavian clients!
References upon request
They can be oral or written, professional or personal, but should include how the person knows you and his / her status, signed (if written) name in capital letters, dated, phone numbers- daytime, home and mobile if possible.
The written reference should end as follows :
I verify that the above stated is true and accurate.
Riga, date.
Signature = written by hand
Name: Peteris Klavins
Address: Vasingtona Laukums 3, LV 1011 Riga
Date of Birth: January 29, 1971
Nationality: Latvian
Citizenship: Latvian
Tel.no.res.: 67 654 657
Tel.no.off.: 67 287 273
Tel.no.mob.: 29 237 273
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
URL: http://www.petkla.com
Looking for a challenging position in a .... company or within the field of...., possibly in .... business industry, full-time or less.
Problem solver, good organiser and team-builder. Creative thinker, can show documented results. Am experienced negotiator and have settled advertising/promotion contracts and proven results from organising campaigns in TV-commercials, radio and billboards. Excellent/broad set of contacts. Foreign experience. Peoples' skills.
Full time from 2001-06-01.
Latvian (native), Russian (fluent), English (working-knowledge), French (basic) & Hindu (beginner).
MS Office 2010. Microsoft Office '2000 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint & Access), Fox Pro, Corel Draw 8.0.
Internet & e-mail programs: Outlook Express, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer.
Director Estonian Ferry Line, 2013-01-02- .
Regional Manager, HR Xpress, Poland & Baltics, 2008-03-25- 2012-12-31.
Logistics Director, airBaltic, 2005-01-02- 2008-02-21 .
Managing Director, "Hansa Forwarding", 1999-08 - 2004-12-31.
Sales Director Eastern Europe, "Laima", 1998-04 - 1999-07.
Sales Manager "Laima", Sales Dept., 1995-02 - 1998-03-31.
Marketing Assistant, "Uzavas Alus" Marketing Dept, 1993-10 - 1995-01-31.
Assistant, "Bauskas Alus Daritava", 1991-01 - 1993-09.
Spetznaz, Lt, Soviet Navy, 1989-01 - 1990-10-31.
Six Sigma, (LEAN) Master Black Belt, M Sc, University of Wisconsin, The U.S.A., 2005-2011.
PhD studies, IMEDE, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999-05 - 2001-06-25.
M.B.A., Riga Business School, 1997. Thesis: "How to turn a Dog into a Cash cow".
M Sc Business Administration, Latvian University, 1995. Thesis: "Kotler 4 P's in the Latvian Consumer Market - theory & reality".
B Sc Uppsala university, Uppsala, Sweden, 1993 (long distance course). Thesis: "Distribution of Beverages in the Latvian and Swedish markets - differences and similarities".
LEAN 1-2-3, "How to Convince Workers Making Less is More", RIga 2013-01-02 -05-22.
THOMAS profiles in DISC - a Latvian market course- 2013-05-19 - 05-22.
"How to Stop Worrying & Start Living", Dale Carnegie, 2012-10 - 11-10.
Leadership Facing Adversity in Oppressive Regimes, workshop, Transvaal, S A, 2009-01- 09.01.
Internet Marketing, Jyvaskylaa University, 2006-08 - 2006 -12.
Lateral & Longitudal thinking, Trinity College, Cambridge, U.K., 2002-01 - 2002-11.
Public speaking, Dale Carnegie correspondence course, 1999-01- .
Career planning, Junior Chamber of Commerce & Rigas SSE, 1998-10 - 1998-12-21.
Surfing, reading, refurbishing Volvo P-18's, wine tasting of New Zealand & Pfalz wines, ornitology (bird watching).
References upon request
I verify that the above stated is true,
Riga, May 22, 2013
Peteris Klavins
Cover letter
2 passport photos