The Candidate Hunt programme is an initiative to reward you for going out of your way to help your friends and colleagues advance their careers. By sending us their CV, you recommend the person and vouch for his or her integrity.
The prize is a Romantic Dinner for Two, at a partner-restaurant or Italian delicatessen store.
The prize will be awarded when the person hired, successfully passes the trial period and remains at the employing company.
Scope of the programme:
- If your candidate does not pass this time around, he or she may win placement for another position and you will win right alongside them! In other words, this opportunity is not time-sensitive or limited to the specific position(s) you target.
- You are welcome to send in several people’s CVs.
- NOTE: Self-recommendations are not eligible for this programme, as in this case, we require a third party’s responsibility. If you, personally, would like to apply for an open position, feel free to send in your CV directly, without mentioning the Candidate Hunt programme.
Spread the word and ENJOY the dinner!
Click here to view previous winners.