Welcome to the section where PRIME helps to solve your recruitment problems. PRIME takes a professional step by step approach to finding the best employees for you.
job description
Our PRIME staff will work together with you to decide: 111
the specifics of the job, the expectations you have, the educational level you need, the kind of experience that is important.
The job description forms a foundation for the rest of the selection process. Getting it right at first means saving the money at the end. PRIME also offers this as a separate service. -
When the job description process has been done the PRIME specialists will place the job advertisement - in Latvian or English - but always in the most cost-effective way. Naturally we treat the recruitment process as a total process but we can also provide the advertising service separately if clients require it. The remaining parts of the recruitment process we can also provide in total or as individual services.
PRIME staff interview the candidates and provide our clients with a small number of suitable candidates for the final interview round.
Normally included in a recruitment agreement. We make sure that references are true and honest.
Our clients sometimes need key personnel quickly and without advertising. PRIME can find the person you need speedily and effectively through its extensive range of contacts with key industry personnel.
If the client desires we can use the Thomas System as an additional toolbox in our search for the perfect candidate. For example, the Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) is one of the tools that will ensure in a qucik and honest way that the candidate fits into your organisation and the position. To find out more about the Thomas System, please click here.
Now that Latvia has joined the EU the number of people who want to work in other countries and in key industries such as IT is increasing. PRIME can help. Through its professional partners and network in Swedenand around The Baltic Sea, PRIME Recruitment find skilled specialists who want to go west or east. If companies are Latvia-based but need foreign specialists for key positions we can find those too.
In individual cases, e.g. if your legal registration in Latvia is being processed, we hire out the staff you need to function in short or long term and regardless of the business field. In and out of the country. Temping, substitution during vacations or pure head count or just acting The Employer.
We early introduced an important social security concept to Latvia. A special service for responsible employers who have to let employees go but want to ensure their smooth transition to a new position. This specialised "job search" training will remind long-term employees how to write a CV, how to behave in a job interview etc. Remember looking for a job is a full-time job!!
Some customers have special needs. We try to meet these. Hiring staff for long or short periods can be one solution. In- and out of the country.